Please Note:

This portfolio includes projects that have been completed throughout my studies at University of Colorado Denver and in my professional experience. The purpose of this portfolio is to demonstrate skills and efforts that are directly applicable to a career in planning.

Capstone Project: Assessment of Façade Quality and Utilization of Public Space in Downtown Denver.

This capstone project provides an assessment of public life and façade quality along some of Downtown Denver’s most important pedestrian connections. Each of the streets studied serve as  a connection between the 16th Street Mall and nearby pedestrian destinations. Public Space, Public Life surveys were administered to better understand when people were walking, where they were walking, what caused them to linger and remain interested in a space. Furthermore, a façade evaluation was completed along six streets to identify some of the physical challenges with respect to the form and function of a building and how it interacts with the street.

Capstone Project: Presentation Poster

Capstone Project: Final Report

GIS/Map Samples

This collection of maps is a summary of my map-making work. These maps illustrate concepts for new transportation services, existing conditions, commute behaviors, and methods for data collection.

Urban Design Plan: Knox / Perry Station TOD

Collaborators: Meenon Swamy, Asim Alzahrani

Analysis of the existing Knox/Perry station area directed our recommendations to two essential corridors that provide vital connections from both the Knox and Perry Light Rail stations to Colfax Avenue, Sloans Lake, and areas of existing and future development. Our recommendations included amendments to the zoning code to allow for ground-floor retail , connecting the street grid at dead end streets, expanding affordable housing options, implementing enhanced crosswalks, creating a "placemaking toolkit" commensurate with the existing West Colfax branding, and more. Each recommendation evolved from a combination of our three guiding vision elements, which were to make Knox Parry more WALKABLEAFFORDABLE, and UNIFIED

Knox / Perry Station - TOD Plan

Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning: Tejon St Bicycle Facility Design Recommendation

This project was a collaborative effort to recommend a bicycle facility for Tejon Street in Denver's Highland Neighborhood. I was responsible for producing all of the photoshop renderings, a portion of the maps, the parking analysis, and the presentation design.

Facility Design Alternatives


Collaborators: Allison Neuman, Jenny Niemann, Alison Redenz

Planning Project Studio: Photoshop and plan-view sample of a street-typology in Datça, Turkey

One of the recommendations from "Datça Light" was the implementation of new street typologies that could support agritoursim activities outlined in the plan. These typologies included existing examples, photoshop renderings, plan-views, cross-sections, and a hierarchy with a list of appropriate attributes. Below is a photoshop rendering and plan-view that I created for the "Beachfront Main Street" typology, which focused on the theme of "Streets as Public Space" in the rural villages of the Datça peninsula.

Iliff Bikeway Concept

This bikeway concept was produced for the University of Denver to illustrate a demonstration project for a directional bike facility on a two-way street running through campus. The demonstration project will eliminate parking on both sides of the street in order to test the effectiveness of different delineators when limited by a two-foot buffer and a five-foot bike lane.

Iliff Bikeway Concept

Union Station Neighborhood Lynchian Analysis

This is a simple Lynchian analysis of a six block radius within Union Station Neighborhood in Denver Colorado. Including districts, nodes, paths, edges, and landmarks, a brief description features photographs for context.

Urban Design Exercise: Serial Vision & Figure Ground Analysis

The Serial Vision exercise not only focused on the framing and perspective techniques of sketching, but the personal experience of moving from one point to another through an urban setting. Focusing on "breadcrumbs" from scene to scene, the exercise simplified elements of good urban design that should be considered in future visioning practices.

Thinking organically about the morphology of a city was the primary goal of the figure-ground analysis. The eight diagrams are intended to be illustrative representations of the relationships between street hierarchy, dissimilarities between blocks and buildings, and undifferentiated space in a two-dimensional plan view.

Writing Sample: Staff Report

Following the template of a Denver staff report, this hypothetical example was written in response to an actual pending Map Amendment request in the Overland Park Neighborhood of South Denver.

note: this project was an assignment for the Urban Development course at University of Colorado Denver as part of the Master of Urban and Regional Planning curriculum.

Writing Sample: "Big Drama" in Governance Memo

This writing sample is characteristic of typical memo format communication focusing on the "big drama" of Colorado's Funding Advancement for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery Act.

Highland Neighborhood Plan Deliverables

This semester-long project was to create a neighborhood plan for presentation to Denver city-staff. Focusing on the challenges of gentrification, lack of economic diversity, poor connectivity, and dwindling  neighborhood identity, our team developed goals, objectives tied to specific projects, and phasing plan with policy recommendations. Below are Some of the renderings and illustrations from the plan deliverables.

SketchUp Sample

A rendering to illustrate the concept of a parking structure with a green roof connecting to an existing, adjacent park.

Poster Design for Final Plan Deliverables 1/2 

Collaborators: Alison Redenz, Emily Alvarez, Nichole Rex, Evan Rosenleib

Poster Design for Final Plan Deliverables 2/2

Collaborators: Alison Redenz, Emily Alvarez, Nichole Rex, Evan Rosenleib

Highland Neighborhood Existing Conditions Report

Collaborators: Ben Yellin, Lilly Lazarraga, Carlton Johnson, Nichole Rex, Sarah Blanchard, Stacey Voight, and Brodie Smith

note: this project was an assignment for the Planning Workshop course at University of Colorado Denver as part of the Master of Urban and Regional Planning curriculum.

Walk Denver Project | Brighton Boulevard

Collaborators: Katelyn Lobato, Windy Fischer, Kevin Carder

Using WALKDenver's WALKScope tool, our team created an assessment of the pedestrian environment along Brighton Boulevard and adjacent collector streets. Conducting intercept interviews with pedestrians along the corridor, we were able to strengthen the assessment further. We are currently in the process of compiling an analysis of walkability gaps to be presented to, and utilized by, WALKDenver.

note: this project was an assignment for the Planning Methods course at University of Colorado Denver as part of the Master of Urban and Regional Planning curriculum.

This portfolio is updated regularly. Please check back soon!